What is poverty?
“Poverty”- This word makes me think of the financial state of poor people sitting on streets and begging for food and money. Poverty is basically the condition of a person who doesn’t have the basic needs for a standard living. About 24% of the world’s population is living in poverty.
How does poverty affect children?
Children who grow in poverty may suffer from frequent health problems and diseases. Someone who doesn’t have enough money might not be able to go to school. This can make it hard for them to find a job. Homelessness is very hard on children because they have no access to healthcare, causing them to be sick or having health problems.
What are the causes of poverty?
Discrimination: Discrimination can affect the access to essential services such as healthcare, making it hard for the people living in poverty.
Surviving natural disasters: People living in poor shelters can make it hard for them for surviving in harsh climate conditions.
Population Growth: Resources for food, water, and jobs are in short supply in a country when its population grows quickly. Poverty may increase with population growth.
Underemployment: When someone has a job, they may not be using it to its full potential. Consider how many people attempting to complete a simple task will impact their income.
Joblessness: The absence of employment prospects results in joblessness.
Individuals desire to work, but there What is the solution?
We can address the problem of poverty through the following ways:
- Creating jobs
- Population control
- Educating children and women
- Providing good healthcare
- Making sure of gender equality
- Providing facilities for the poor
I propose a solution that only focuses on the education of the children. This plan to help everyone go to better schools. When kids get good education, they learn lots of things and can do many jobs when they grow up. This doesn’t just help one person, it helps
Poverty is a big problem that affects many lives. We need to work together to help people get better education, jobs, and support. Let’s join hands and make a world where everyone can live happily!
Thank you,
Sahasrra Chenumalla

Sahasrra Chenumalla
Epistemo Vikas Leadership School