
Poverty is defined as the state or condition where people and communities cannot meet a minimum standard of living because they lack the proper resources. These include but aren’t limited to financial resources, basic healthcare and education, clean drinking water, and infrastructure

Increasing Access to Education:

Education plays an important role in the eradication of poverty. Every developed country knows the importance of education in poverty eradication and wealth creation. Several research studies conducted by non-governmental organizations such as UNESCO and the United Nations have revealed that education people effectively lift them from poverty and improve the quality of their lives Better Governance Implementing government policies is an effective strategy of eradicating poverty such as changes could be made on tax and benefits systems, special employment measures, higher spending on education especially in poor regions and adjusting the national minimum wage in order to raise the incomes of poor families. It is also important to evaluate the role played by politics in enhancing or alleviating poverty.

Eradication of Corruption:

Corruption has been cited as one of the causes of poverty especially in developing countries because it denies poor people access to government services and social amenities that eradicate poverty.

Social Movements:

Although knowledge, environmental conditions population and racial injustice may contribute to social change, it is when community members band together to form social activities had the most significant impact on society’s trajectory. Even though the initiative was successful, social movements affected public sentiment.

Cultural Lag:

Cultural lag is another essential factor of social change that can be analyzed in various areas. According to carusa (381), cultural lag can broadly impact a community’s in multiple ways.

Sadwika Naligiri

Epistemo Vikas Leadership School