According to me the factors that are causing poverty are:

  • Corruption
  • Greediness
  • Carelessness
  • Lack of punctuality

I would like to suggest overcoming the things mentioned above will help to reduce poverty. To reduce poverty, the corresponding systems within the country should focus on providing better resources for society. Also, the government should stop offering many free things, instead, they could focus on making the education system better which will help to provide numerous opportunities for everyone equally. By providing free things the government is making greediness and laziness increase in people.

Another thought is that people should focus on planning for the right investments even though their earnings are still stable so that they will experience good benefits during their retirement period or emergencies in life. The government should focus on creating employment opportunities for the people at all levels so that it will help the people to have a better livelihood.

One more thought is that job opportunities should be distributed properly among states, cities, and towns. Creating better infrastructure will help to improve connectivity from one place to another, which will help to improve industrialisation thus providing more job opportunities to the public. The government should stop importing things from other countries like China, and start making those things within the country which will provide more employment opportunities. It will also stop the spread of diseases, and viruses from country to country. For example, COVID-19.

Agricultural growth will also help to reduce poverty. In the current situation, farmers are facing a lot of issues by not getting proper support in terms of selling their yields, getting loans, and having knowledge of the latest technologies that will improve the production of crops. As farming is one of the main occupations in India, if the government could provide all the required benefits to the farmers, then it would significantly help in the growth of this sector.

Ramcharan Ineedi

Epistemo Vikas Leadership School