Pencils to progress: Promising a better future and to fight against poverty

Have you ever thought about how lucky we are to have a warm meal, a roof over our heads, and the chance to go to school? Unfortunately, not everyone is as fortunate. Mother Teresa once said, “The greatest disease in the West today is not tuberculosis or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for.” Which is none other than poverty.

Imagine going to bed hungry and worrying if you’ll have a roof over your head tomorrow. It’s like living in a world that feels like pure hell. Why does poverty even exist? A big reason is the lack of education. Kids from underprivileged backgrounds often find themselves working to survive instead of sitting in a classroom. This lack of education creates a cycle that’s hard to break, as
job opportunities vanish and the struggle continues.

The remedy? Education. It might sound simple, but it’s a powerful force. By setting up shelters in places hit hardest by poverty, offering kids the basics—books, pencils, and erasers, this might seem ordinary to us but for them it is a luxury. These tools
become the weapons needed to break free from the chains that bind them. Many parents in this situation hesitate to send their kids to school because they’re stuck in a rut of poverty. By using AI videos and images, we can create awareness and show them a different future, where education paves the way to a better and more promising future. The government also must play a pivotal role, investing in education and poverty alleviation programs.

In a nutshell, beating poverty is like a team sport, and education is our star player. By giving kids the basics, convincing parents with high-tech magic, and with the government’s support, we can make sure everyone gets a shot at a better life. This is a chance for us to be heroes and change the world, one pencil and eraser at a time. Let’s defeat poverty! – by Naina

Naina Bollampally

Epistemo Vikas Leadership School