Poverty is defined as the absence of the financial resources necessary to maintain a basic standard of living for
a person or family. People with poor income cannot afford housing, health services, or education which are all essential for their survival. Therefore, poverty can be lack of money, or a set of barriers to every life, which is a form of poverty. Lack of basic necessities, illiteracy, malnutrition, poor human development, and poor quality of life are all consequences of poverty. As a result, developing nations like India face a greater challenge, which significantly hinders their economic growth.

Poverty causes families to have lower incomes that cannot meet their needs and therefore children are also forced into child labour. The shortage of money caused by unemployment leads to poverty and affects the daily lives of people. Additionally, poverty forces people to work in harmful conditions against their will. Poverty causes social stress because it results in a gap between rich and poor incomes. The problem of poverty affects people of all ages and demographics in adverse ways, causing severe losses and stress for them. This is a concern and it should be addressed by the government. India has a higher poverty rate than other countries. Poverty occurs when people do not have shelter and are denied basic necessities such as food, water, clothing etc. people who live in poverty do not have access to proper nutrition, medical aid, education help, and other essential services. Many Indians live below the poverty line and 4.5 crore people live in slums. Most urban people are illiterateand live in slums. Over eight crore people live below the poverty line and 4.5 crore are on the verge of poverty.

In order to prevent poverty, we can take specific steps to ensure that everyone on earth has a better life. It is essential that farmers receive adequate and necessary access to facilities for better agriculture to ensure a healthy lifestyle. A better life for the illiterate people requires adequate education and training. In order to control the population, family planning training and sex education must be provided to the public and every child must attend school in addition to new employment opportunities.

There is no doubt that poverty is not an individual issue, but rather a national and global problem. A combination of efforts should be made to eliminate all loopholes in government systems and to support organizations that strive to alleviate poverty. People need to take essential and effective actions to reduce poverty.

Naga Durga Medha Kamakshi

Vishnu School