Poverty is not the problem of few, It needs everyone’s attention and view.

Poverty is a painful state in which even the basic human needs cannot be met. It not only affects the individuals living in poverty, but also adversely impacts their future generations, if not tackled on time. Poverty hinders a nations development, as it stops bringing out the best from those individuals and families, who are drowned deep in poverty. Their talents, skills, etc just goes waste, as they get busy fighting for survival.

While eradication of poverty has been taken up seriously by many organisations and government, there is a strong need for every individual to play a role in creating a beautiful world having zero poverty. We as individuals can play a key role in this by introducing some simple yet effective changes in our habits. While we celebrate our special events with lots of friends and families who are already having a good lifestyle, we can additionally include a few from the poor too, by making donation as a special activity of that day. Once we speak proudly about making the poor happy on our special day, it can become a style statement and soon become a culture too. Let’s start with small changes and aim for leaps ahead.

“If we don’t want the poor to be left apart, Let’s eradicate poverty with our whole heart.”

Harshita Ashok

Vishwa Vidyapeeth