No Poverty – Let’s blog it…!

Poverty is a condition when people are not able to have access to basic needs such as food, drinking water, proper shelter, and clothing and have no access to proper formal education. this is condition is mainly seen in developing countries. This leads to problems like malnutrition, unemployment, etc.

Causes of poverty

The main causes of poverty are:

Overpopulation – The escalation of population is a prevalent factor contributing to poverty, posing challenges for the government in providing sustenance and shelter to the poor and unemployed citizens within the country.

Wars, natural disasters – Wars and natural disasters exert a profound impact on the lives of ordinary citizens, particularly the economically vulnerable. To mitigate poverty, it is advantageous for a nation to steer clear of conflicts, thereby preserving substantial resources that can be redirected towards the welfare and well-being of its people.

Lack of employment – Unemployment stands as a primary catalyst for poverty, as the financial stability of many individuals hinges on their employment or profession. For those reliant on a single source of income, the loss of employment can swiftly plunge them into poverty.

Lack of education – Limited education often translates to fewer lucrative job opportunities, leading to insufficient income for meeting essential family needs and consequently contributing to the cycle of poverty.

Effects of poverty:

Child labour: Poverty forces children of poor families are also sent to work in factories and in otherworkplaces this leads to lack of education because s children from poor families can not afford education for their children.

The economy of the country drops, which is mostly in developing countries.

In conclusion, let us strive to diminish poverty by ensuring widespread access to quality educational
opportunities and reducing unemployment among the general populace.

Hansika G

Vishwa Vidyapeet