Beyond Boundaries: A Blueprint for a Poverty-Free World

What is poverty?
Poverty is a situation where a person lacks the basic financial resources and other essential resources for a proper and healthy standard of living. An international line of poverty has been set as earning at least $1.90 per day. However, the line of poverty cannot be measured. In some countries, people might lack a nutritional diet and even a two square meal a day, in some countries a person with lack of education might be considered as person below poverty line. Therefore, defining poverty is hard but at the end of the day we know that a person residing in any country on this planet and is affected by poverty lacks financial support and goods essential for everyday life.

Why to remove poverty?
Poverty is one of major cause that becomes a barrier in the development of the country. Hence, removing poverty is an essential task. But it is not easy. Therefore, all of the countries have formed an organisation which deals with the reduction of poverty, and other barriers, all over the world so that people can live a peaceful and healthy life.

How to remove poverty from the world?
In a pursuit of making the world more impartial, addressing and eradication poverty stands as a very important task. To do so, we need to get to the root of this problem. It can be lack of education, social discrimination or even limited job opportunities. To reduce poverty, education is the most powerful tool. Therefore, government, organisations and even we, people, must invest in accessibility of quality education to all. Economic empowerment and reducing gender inequality, by creating job opportunities, providing basic needs such as accessibility to quality education, healthcare, food and better living space for all is essential.

All of this would help in creating a better future. This would help the world to be developed sustainably creating a better tomorrow for our tomorrow’s generation and the generations that are yet to come. As the world moves towards an AI depended world, it is necessary that poverty is eradicated so that each and every person can live a poverty-free, a peaceful and healthy life. And in the words of Jeff Bridges-
“Poverty is a complicated issue, but feeding a child isn’t”

Divyanshi Nigam

Vikas The Concept School