No Poverty

Poverty is a condition in which people do not have financial resources and minimum essential things for standard living. Poverty is an individual concern as well as a broader social problem.

A poor person is not able to get good nutritious food, shelter, clothing, and education due to lack of money and therefore remains unemployed. So we can say that poverty is the root cause of other problems.

According to South African Leader Nelson Mandela “Poverty is not Natural, it is Manmade Thing”. Poverty affects a large percentage of today’s world population. Poverty rate in India is 14.96% in 2023.

Reducing Poverty is the main agenda for Sustainable Development. There are some ways for reducing poverty. Some of them are as follows.

  • Speed up in Economic growth.
  • Development in Human Resources.
  • Rural Development.
  • Development of Infrastructures

And etc. are some of the ways for reducing poverty providing good sanitation, education, clean water ,health and training the farmers etc.. can help in solving poverty problem.

To remove poverty government is also establishing many schemes such as creating employment opportunities, providing education, constructing dams for water irrigation, giving rations and etc. Conducting social welfare programs and coming up with new ideas can also reduce poverty.

Eradication of poverty has become necessary for the sustainability and inclusion growth of the people, society, country and economy. Poverty is not just the problem of a person but of the whole Nation.

Garibi Hatao[remove poverty, save country] was the slogan given by Indira Gandhi. We have to remove poverty not poor. The future of the nation is there in our hands so “remove poverty.”

Deepika Siribathina

Vishnu School