No Poverty

Poverty entails more than the lack of income and production to ensure sustainable livelihood. It manifestations include hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and other basic services, social discrimination and exclusion as well as the lack of participation in decision making. Various social groups bear disproportionate burden of poverty.

The world, social summit identified, poverty eradication as an ethical, social, political and economic imperative of mankind, and called on government to address the root causes of poverty, provide basic needs for all and ensure that the poor have access to productive resources, including credit, education and training. Recognising insufficient progress in the poverty reduction, the 24th special session of the general assembly devoted to the review of the copenhagen commitments, decided to set up targets to reduce the proportion of people, living in extreme poverty, by 1/2 by the year 2015.this target has been endorsed by the millennium summit as millennium development Goal1.

A social perspective on development requires addressing poverty in all its dimensions. It promotes people centred approach to poverty. Eradication advocating the empowerment of people living in poverty through their full participation in all aspects of political economic and social life, especially in the design and implementation of policies that affects the poorest and most vulnerable groups of society. An integrated strategy towards poverty, eradication, necessitates implementing policies geared to more equitable distribution of wealth and income and social protection coverage. Poverty education must be mainstreamed into the national policies and action in accordance with the internationally. Agreed development goals, forming part of the board, United Nations development forged at UN conferences and summit in the economic, social and related fields. The second United Nations decade for the eradication of poverty, 2008, 2017 proclaimed by the general assembly in December 2007 aims at supporting such a broad framework for poverty and emphasizing the need to the strengthen the leadership role of the United Nations in promoting international cooperation for development, critical for eradication of poverty

Tools to end poverty:

1. Quality education, poverty is the number one reason why millions of children are out of school.
2. Access of healthcare access to healthcare is essential
3. Water and sanitation: Water and sanitation are essential for every child survival.
4. Economic security
5. Child participation

The solution for ending poverty

Also, illiterate people should be given the required training so that they can live a better life. To check the rising population, family planning should be followed. Besides, measure should be taken to end corruption. So that we can deal with the gap between rich and poor.

Deepika Kalidindi

Vishnu School