[Arunima Sinha]
Arunima Sinha is the first female amputee to scale the Mount Everest and not only that she was an Indian national volley To player before meeting a disastrous situation in the train which left her amputee.

She is brave because she made it an attempt to climb the Mount which others thought it was impossible. It is not only an achievement but also an inspiration to many like her.

Through her grit and perseverance, Arunima has proved that disability cannot defeat her spirit.

Arunima Sinha is a true example of youth showing her will power to achieve the goal to prove herself to the world.
I got inspired by her immense self belief, determination, braveness and refused to give up.

“Set your goals high in life and don’t stop until you reach there” – Arunima Sinha

Bh.R.S.S.Harshitha – Class 8,
Vishnu School,