Terminating poverty: lets make our lives better

In our rapidly advancing world, where technology and innovation thrive, it’s disheartening to acknowledge that poverty persists as a pervasive issue affecting millions globally. Sustainable Development Goal 1, “No Poverty,” calls upon us to address this urgent matter and strive for a world where everyone has access to the basic necessities of life. Poverty is not just the lack of financial resources to the people in need, it’s an intricate challenge encompassing inadequate access to education, healthcare, and opportunities. As I reflect on this SDG, I am reminded of the interconnectedness of our global community. Achieving a poverty-free world requires collaborative efforts from governments, businesses, communities, and individuals.

Education plays a vital role in ending global poverty . By educating individuals, we pave our way to economic independence. With the skills and knowledge people can get better job opportunities , ultimately breaking the chain of poverty. Governments should play a crucial role in implementing good education till the level of the roots ensuring every individual is educated. After education comes business, also a contribution to end poverty. Fair wages, and investments in communities are essential components of corporate social responsibility. Meanwhile, as individuals, we can make a difference through conscious consumer choices, supporting organizations working towards poverty eradication, etc

Additionally, social safety nets and welfare programs play a crucial role in protecting vulnerable populations from falling into extreme poverty. Ensuring access to quality healthcare and promoting gender equality are pivotal steps in addressing the systemic issues that perpetuate poverty. Poverty cannot be terminated without raising awareness. So as a responsible citizen, lets embark on a journey to end poverty by raising awareness through different mediums like blogs,videos,social media etc

Anarghya Sai Vanshika

Epistemo Vikas Leadership School