Tools of Triumph Crafting futures, Conquering Poverty

Acquiring Knowledge is the first step, but Wisdom lies in the utilizing of that knowledge for advancement. To rid poverty, we must rid the barriers of ignorance through a foundation of education. Building this foundation begins with providing proper education.

Yet, a stark contrast exists between private and public education sectors, expanding more on the issue of poverty. In countries like America, public schools rival private ones in facilities, but the disparity in opportunities persists.

Private school graduates enter the world with advantages, while their public school counterparts hang on just by the edge.

In our era where skills create advantages, private institutions invest in extracurricular activities, clubs, and specialized classes. But Public school students,What is provided to them? What sets them apart from their competition?

To bring a difference, we must reconsider our commitment to educational opportunities for everyone, with a particular focus on vocational education. By expanding on vocational training in public schools, we empower students, the future of the nation, with practical skills, offering an alternative path to success if not through a direct degree.

Imagine a scenario where every student, regardless of their background, has access to education that not only imparts
knowledge but also equips them with skills to navigate through life and conquer the world.

Akankshya Priyadarshini

Epistemo Vikas Leadership School