Poverty is a pervasive global challenge that transcends borders, affecting people from various walks of life. Despite numerous initiatives and movements aimed at alleviating poverty, the effectiveness of these efforts remains questionable.

In a constantly evolving world where advancements are driven by skilled individuals, true progress cannot be achieved unless equal opportunities are extended to those in lower economic and social strata. Poverty is officially defined by the economic condition where an individual’s daily income falls below the established “poverty line” of a country or region. This poverty line serves as a threshold, determining whether a person can afford essential items for survival, such as food, water, clothing, and shelter. The repercussions of poverty are not limited to financial struggles; they extend to physical well-being and overall productivity. Individuals trapped in this cycle often find themselves unable to perform their work adequately, leading to further income reduction and perpetuating the cycle of poverty. Compounding this issue is the unfortunate reality that many children are denied access to education, forced into labor to support their families—an exploitative practice that hinders their potential contributions to the world.

Recognizing that every child possesses the potential to make a positive impact, providing them with a healthy standard of living and quality education becomes imperative. Implementing systems that facilitate the distribution of second-hand items in good condition to the less fortunate not only aids the underprivileged but also contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing waste and pollution. Addressing global challenges requires collective effort and collaboration with those in our immediate surroundings. By fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility, we can collectively work towards creating a better Earth. Let us join forces in the fight against poverty, striving to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need.

Let us embody the change we wish to see in the world, becoming catalysts for joy in the lives of others.

Adithi Rao Battaje

Vishwa Vidyapeet